He should have been a member.

Baywatch, but not with Pamela. Nice spoof for the Norwegian Automobile Federation.

Norway, 2008

Emotional PSA for ALS Society Canada

“This is one emotionally jarring PSA by Lowe Roche for the ALS Society of Canada. The family images and children’s song “Head and Shoulders” start out fast-paced and joyous, then somberly slow to a crawl as the spot progresses, mirroring the way the disease ravages the human body. The shot of the dad, so animated in the early scenes, struggling to walk stiffly down the stairs, his face set like a mask, is truly heartbreaking and not quickly forgotten. Sure, we’re being manipulated, but whoa! That guy’s shambling advance is intense! Make a donation here.” (Adfreak.com)
This PSA for television describes in a very emotional way the suffering of ASL-patients, without using words but with images combined with a well-chosen song. The aim is to convince people to make a donation.
Lowe Roche, Toronto, Canada
November 2008